My House
Me in my Room |
Last week we had a school game. The game is part of a tournament that some schools in the Stockholm area participate in. However, you are only permitted to play if you are on a hockey team. Most of our team plays at a very high level for Taby and some from SDE and elsewhere so we were pretty good. We only had 13 players so that made up for the short thirty minute game. We played another hockey school but they were mostly one year younger and we won 8-1. I played pretty well and scored. Next game will be a lot tougher in the quarterfinals. That game is sometime next week. Meanwhile this weekend we as in Taby play SDE who is our rival. Even though they are undefeated in league play and we have two losses we still have a pretty good chance to win. We hope to follow up on a good 6-3 win from last weekend. It keeps snowing here averaging about half an inch per day. It keeps accumulating and also is getting darker. Above are a couple of pictures of the snow, the house, and I. I have gotten used to and like the house, especially my room. My dad also stopped in for a one day visit to see how I am doing and help me out. He will be back some time next week and stay until after New Year's. Also something different that the Swedes do is celebrate Christmas on December 24.